Dyer Law Books

Order your free copy of this book today and learn how to protect your legal rights. Thousands of vehicle accidents occur every year on Nebraska roadways. If you are the victim of an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, knowing what you should or shouldn’t do after the accident will ensure that your rights are protected – including your right to obtain the compensation you deserve. Failing to follow critical steps could jeopardize the financial security of you and your family. Insurance companies are in business to make a profit, and one way for them to do so is to minimize the amount they pay for your claim. They may even deny your claim altogether. They know just how to pressure you into rushing through your claim, and ultimately into making statements that could negatively impact the benefits you are eligible to receive. Don’t become a victim to insurance companies. Read our new book, Seven Costly Mistakes Nebraska Accident Victims Make, and learn how to stand up for your rights and fight back. Seven Costly Mistakes Nebraska Accident Victims Make, written in a no-nonsense, candid format, is a must read for anyone who drives in Nebraska, and for anyone who wants to know how to get the best insurance benefits for their needs. The book details how insurance companies operate, and the authors expose the tricks they use to close cases quickly and inexpensively. Reading this book will arm you with the critical knowledge you need to obtain the compensation to pay your bills and to fully recover from your injuries – and to move on with your life. Too many times after an accident victims are frustrated, scared, or just too overwhelmed to file a claim. Don’t cut yourself short of your claim for financial compensation. In Seven Costly Mistakes Nebraska Accident Victims Make the authors dispel the mystery surrounding the legal process and offer a step-by-step look at taking a case into settlement or into the courtroom. Written by Dyer Law attorneys, the authors are dedicated to helping Nebraska accident victims. The authors say they wrote Seven Costly Mistakes Nebraska Accident Victims Make to help Nebraska drivers avoid the costly mistakes they have seen too many accident victims make. Dyer says, “this book provides the information for Nebraskans who have been victims of an auto accident and are now facing the daunting task of dealing with insurance companies in order to receive the settlement they deserve.” Please fill out the form below to receive your free copy of Seven Costly Mistakes Nebraska Accident Victims Make. By filling out this form, you are under no obligation to Dyer Law. This book is available as a courtesy to all Nebraska accident victims.

Order a free copy of this book today to help you and your family make the right decisions If you have been injured in a work place accident, it is very important that you understand what is required of both you and your employer. Many times workers will make simple mistakes, such as not telling their employer about the accident in a timely fashion, that can completely destroy their workers ‘ compensation claim. Seven Common Mistakes that Can Destroy Your Workers’ Compensation Case is a straightforward book written in plain English that has been designed to help injured workers and their families. Within its pages are examples of mistakes that many people make that invalidate their claim and the ways to avoid making these mistakes. Too many times, workers are taken advantage of by their employers or large insurance companies. This book can prove to be an invaluable tool in helping you to establish your case and help you to receive the compensation that you deserve. Such compensation helps to ensure that you receive the proper medical treatment and that you and your family are cared for. Seven Common Mistakes that Can Destroy Your Workers’ Compensation Case was written by Dyer Law workers’ compensation attorneys. Before becoming an attorney, Mike Dyer served as a New York City policeman for five years when a work related injury prevented him from returning to duty. He understands both the physical and financial hardships associated with work injuries and strives to achieve the best possible outcome for his clients. Dyer Law attorneys have extensive experience in representing injured workers in cases against their employers and large insurance companies. The information provided in Seven Common Mistakes that Can Destroy Your Workers’ Compensation Case is solid and can help you in making informed decisions. However, if your claim is being disputed, this book is not enough; you will need experienced representation. Please fill out the below form to receive your free copy of Seven Common Mistakes that Can Destroy Your Workers’ Compensation Case. By filling out this form, you are under no obligation to Dyer Law. This book is available as a free courtesy to provide information to injured workers to help them in the decision making process.